The sacrament called Anointing of the Sick is for those of advanced age, those with a serious illness, or those facing serious surgery. Each year in November, we anoint those who ask for this sacrament. At any time, we will give the sacrament to those who are in need. Please call the rectory. You might want to arrange it so that family members can be present when the sacrament is given.
Please also call us when someone is in the process of dying. The last sacrament one should receive is Viaticum, which is Holy Communion given to the dying. Even if the person cannot receive Communion, we want to be with you in this difficult time and pray with you. Please call the rectory whenever there is a need. We also like to see that those who can no longer attend church receive Communion weekly or monthly. Please call the Parish Office at (513) 871-5757 to make convenient arrangements.