Pray, Minister, and Give From What You Have
We pray for all those in need God’s healing grace and love. Contact the parish office, (513) 871-5757, with Mass and sanctuary devotional candle intention requests.
Brotherhood of the Holy Rosary
All men and boys who now have or wish to develop a devotion to the Blessed Virgin through the rosary are invited. We gather on the first Saturday of every month at 7:30 a.m. in the church. Open not only to parishioners of Saint Cecilia, but to all men of good will. Bring a friend, bring your sons, bring your father, bring yourself to pray the rosary with us on the steps in front of the church. This is also an opportunity to support each other and create new bonds of fellowship that will extend beyond our time with Mary.
In addition to the Saturday Rosaries, we are now praying Vespers together every third Thursday at 8 PM. Join us!
Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Group
All are invited to pray the rosary for peace throughout our world. Every Wednesday from 1–2 p.m. in the last two pews of church.
Below you will find the link to a PDF for our most recent financial report:
2018 Financial Report (published 10/27/18)
Volunteer Your God-Given Talents
Stewardship involves sharing talent. God has given each individual unique skills and talents so that together we can do the work of our Lord. Put your faith and love into action. Volunteer for things that interest you. Build lasting friendships and become part of the family of Saint Cecilia Parish. Check out the ministries tab at the top of our website or contact the parish office at 871-5757, ext. 202, and we can put you in touch with the people with whom you should chat.
Eucharistic Exposition Adorers
Every Wednesday we are privileged to adore Jesus in Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:30 AM to 8 PM. Please prayerfully consider giving some time to the Lord each week. Adorers are needed throughout the day on Wednesdays. If you can’t commit to a definite adoration time, perhaps consider becoming a substitute adorer. Please call (513) 871-5757, ext. 243, to sign up.
Men of Saint Cecilia
Are you looking for a simple way to get involved in parish life? Our usher ministry is in
need of additional men to help with collections during our weekend Masses as well as Holy Days. This could be a great opportunity for you to become more active within the church without a time consuming commitment. Please contact Dale Bogard at (513)410-6183 or d.bogart@cinci.rr.com.
Oakley Food Pantry
You can drop off food items at any of the St. Cecilia church doors or in the vestibule during the day or on Tuesdays from 10-11 a.m. at the pantry at the United Church of Christ at 4100 Taylor Avenue directly across the street from the school. Whatever you can give would be greatly appreciated.